Salmon is like beef, vegetables, dessert, and school rolled into one. Okay, that might be overstating it a little, but the facts remain: salmon has the protein content of beef, the nutrient profile of many vitamins, and a great taste. As for the school part, recent research even suggests that the omega-3 fatty acids present in salmon contribute to improved mood and cognitive abilities. In this article, we discuss the health benefits of salmon in greater detail. Next, we give some advice on how to select and store your salmon.
As noted above, the health benefits of salmon are wide-ranging and numerous. The list really does go on, and researches are constantly adding to it by discovering new benefits. Here are a few to start with:
Salmon has incredibly high omega-3 fatty acid content – one meal provides more omega-3s than most adults get in a few days. Omega-3s control inflammation, ease transfer of information between cells, improve cognitive function, and increase joint health. Increased consumption of salmon has linked to decreased risk of cardiovascular problems, including heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Salmon is a great source of protein and hence is a must for anyone who exercises regularly – it’s great for recovery after a tough workout. If you’re still not convinced, I don’t know what else I can say… well, eating salmon can improve eye health, decrease cancer risk, and… how are you not convinced yet?
You can buy salmon whole or as a steak or fillet; you can get it frozen, canned, dried, or smoked. Options abound. I recommend wild Alaskan salmon to be absolutely 100% sure you’re avoiding any contamination concerns. If you opt for the whole salmon, make sure it has been buried in ice while on display. Have it scaled by a professional. You don’t want to mutilate your salmon like I did the other night. As with other meats, smell is a good indicator of freshness. Although you should never leave salmon off for too long (you should be dying to cook it as soon as you make the purchase), if you think it might be bad, better safe than sorry. Your stomach and major organs will thank you. Keep in mind, however, that most refrigerators are slightly warmer than ideal for keeping fish. I recommend wrapping your fish up and storing it in a container or dish with ice. Replenish the ice once or twice per day. It will last about four days with this method.